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Metro Made | Recurve Skeluchin

The last time we posted about the Metro Grade Skeluchin, we showed off the amazing laser cut frames wrapped in paracord.

We got to thinking and looked at our collection of Chinese style slingshots, some of which are recurved for a more ergonomic handle and shooting experience. Since we had another one of the Skeluchin frames, we decided to give it a try.

Wielding a magic hammer with the might of Thor, the vice-secured Skeluchin frame was gentle encouraged to bend into an S shape.

Recurve Skeluchin Hammer 1

Recurve Skeluchin Hammer 3

Recurve Skeluchin Hammer 2

The result was a pleasing, vectored S shape that provided just enough curve for a hand to wrap around it.

Recurve Skeluchin Test grip

Recurve Skeluchin Result

Recurve Skeluchin Logo

Recurve Skeluchin Compare


After wrapping it back up in cord and giving it a spit shine, it was time for a photo shoot.

Recurve Skeluchin Wide

Recurve Skeluchin Standing

Recurve Skeluchin Paracord

Recurve Skeluchin Hero

Recurve Skeluchin Grip2

Recurve Skeluchin Grip1

Recurve Skeluchin Flat


That’s it, a simple, brutish mod on an already awesome slingshot. 

To all our American friends, Happy Thanksgiving!

1 thought on “Metro Made | Recurve Skeluchin

  1. I would love to purchase the skeluchin recurve! Is there any way I can?

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