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Metro Made | Copper Delta Marker

Ding Dong. The Purolator rings my doorbell, hands me a HUGE box and a tube, asks me to sign on the dotted line on the screen. Done. What is it? Why…an overnight shipment of Tellurium Copper from McMaster! To the lathe!

For the past week, I’ve been using the Delta Marker with great joy, but yet….I craved more. I had already made up a second, stubbier version of the Delta Marker, with better dimensioning and grip detail, in anticipation of some new materials arriving at the shop. This version didn’t stay in the shop for long as I sent it off to a friend who would I would rather have it, use it and cherish is than have it sit in my shop as a prototype. However, I managed to snap some pics of it before I mailed it out.

Here is the aluminum Delta Marker MKII. The middle section of the barrel is much shorter (about 3/8″) and the cap is longer (2″) so the overall length was reduced by 1/2″ but the function and balance was better.






The ribbing in the middle is something I am particularly proud of as they are evenly spaced and tidy, something pretty tough to do on a manual lathe with very little calibration. I later transfer this aesthetic/feature to the Copper version, which you can see here in this video, it’s 8.5 minutes long, so if you need to go to the bathroom, do it now.

As explained, the rubbing extends into the cap by 4 ribs and the whole thing weighs a lot…not sure how much but a lot.






Having only 12″ of this pricey alloy, I could only afford to screw each part only once. I took a LOT of time making sure things were lined up and the spacing on the ribbing was perfect. I am super happy with this design, I can’t wait to get the brass and acrylic rod in.

Thanks for reading!


1 thought on “Metro Made | Copper Delta Marker

  1. Hi,

    Looks like a very cool item. Are you planning on selling these markers? If so, I’d be very interested.


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